Brand Analysis

Our brand analysis turns casual insights into

solid brand positioning strategy

One of the best ways to set your brand up for long-term marketing success is to complete a strategic brand analysis. At ContextWest, we’ve developed our own streamlined methodology for this important process. It’s one of the very best tools we offer for giving our clients the ‘context’ they need to run powerful campaigns that generate big results. 

We begin our work by asking your stakeholders to share their thoughts around all of the key facets of your brand – from your mission and vision to your personality and values to your differentiators and purpose. It’s no accident that strategic brand analysis contains the word ‘analysis’ because undergoing this intense process of self-discovery can actually be quite therapeutic and cathartic for the leaders of your company.

Part of our work involves researching the brand positioning of your biggest competitors to show you what you’re up against and to look for novel ways to position your brand that will truly stand out. In many cases, we take surveys to gather the views of employees, partners, customers or prospective buyers. If possible, we also like to host ideations with fun exercises and brainstorming techniques geared toward pulling out key nuggets. The more opinions we gather, the more we’re able to uncover valuable insights for selling what you do best and for positioning your brand in the strongest, most authentic way possible.

Here’s WHY…

Buyers know when they find the company they want to work with

The best performing companies know their WHY. They understand that nothing excites people inside and outside their organization like having a strong purpose – a clear vision for WHY they are making the world a better place. That’s where we come in. We help you discover WHY you’re so passionate about what you do, WHY you’re so distinct from your competitors and WHY prospective customers and employees should want to work with you. By helping you discover your WHY, we make it easier for your firm to:

    “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.”
    Simon Sinek
    expand your market presence with

    Your tactical brand evaluation

    Your brand is more than just your logo or your color scheme; it’s your personality, your values and the way you interact with your customers. By taking you through the steps of a brand analysis, our goal is to zero in on what makes you great! We’ll carefully evaluate how it is you navigate your market and uncover important insights about your competition, your audience and what makes your business unique. It’s all part of defining the ideal brand market position for your business.

      What do you get in the end?

      Once we’ve completed our work, you’ll know how to be a more purpose-driven brand that appeals to the goals, aspirations and deepest desires of your best prospects.

      After we finish our interviews, surveys and research, we’ll compile and analyze everything we’ve learned and come back to you in just 2-3 weeks with an in-depth analysis that closely defines everything you need to know and be promoting about your brand. This document then becomes your blueprint for how to continue to develop your company culture, compete more effectively for the customers you deserve and grow market share.

      Very few agencies are well versed in how to analyze a brand. We are uniquely qualified to conduct a brand analysis that will:

      Let’s discuss your needs.

      Get in touch with us to find out how we can apply our proven methodology to make your brand stronger and more appealing. You’ll be impressed by how quickly and effectively we can set you up for long-term marketing success.

        We offer a streamlined, affordable process for

        defining the key characteristics of your brand

        Throughout our strategic brand analysis, we’ll ask tough questions and listen intently to your answers with the goal of getting to know your organization from all sides. 

        we’ll uncover your

        We’ll also bring story into the mix

        Let us turn you into a challenger brand!

        Becoming a challenger brand isn’t just a marketing exercise – it’s about taking on a mindset to subvert the dominant paradigm, to change the rules to the customer’s benefit. A few of the better known challenger brands that have done this include Netflix, GoPro and Airbnb. While we cannot assure you their level of success, we can help you become a challenger brand in your market by:

          What’s your brand really all about?

          Your brand needs to be reflected in your logo, your website design, your social media style or your sales collateral. But your brand is also much bigger than any one of those things.

          Your brand is your personality, your ideas, your vision and your promise to your customers all rolled up into one. Your brand earns a reputation just like people do. That’s why it’s healthy for your brand to continue to grow and evolve. Once we’ve defined what your brand is all about, a complete ContextWest branding package includes:

            Brand Standards

            Brand standards set the rules for your brand colors, fonts, logo types, photography style and much more. They help you ensure brand consistency across all platforms and messages.

            Brand Voice

            Every great brand has a well defined brand voice, writing style and lexicon of keywords. It's important to speak as one entity rather than as a collection of individual voices.


            The best brands are easily recognizable based on their unique visual style and design elements like logos, photos, illustrations, icons, patterns, motifs and textures.

            Color Palette

            Your color palette helps make your 'look and feel' more recognizable and allows you to extend your brand harmoniously across different media and formats.

            Our strategic market research will ensure you get the most out of your marketing efforts. Ready to speak to a strategic brand marketing specialist?

            Schedule an appointment today.